Stantec Generation AV - Accessible and Barrier Free Mobility Report

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Accessible and Barrier Free Mobility Report

When you think of accessible, barrier-free mobility, what’s the first thing that pops into your mind? Most likely a vehicle, like a car, bus, or subway train. But what about the infrastructure surrounding that vehicle? The Autonomous Vehicle Alliance (AVA) released a report that illustrates the need for vehicle manufacturers and infrastructure stakeholders to coordinate design efforts to make the transportation experience accessible and barrier-free. Advancements in autonomous vehicle technology and the tenets of universal design can radically transform the future of transportation.

As shown in the report above, accessible and barrier-free mobility is something we can plan for and achieve, but we need the right framework to get started. Three thought leaders in the autonomous vehicle and transportation space recently collaborated on a blog discussing the issues surrounding universal accessibility and the need for universal design and collaboration. They list three steps that are essential in achieving a barrier-free future.